
Thursday, January 24, 2008


Just a yellow ladybird I caught in my room. I live on the 5th floor. Was really cute, haven't seen ladybirds since the 1980s. The last one I saw as a kid was the shiny red with black polka dots in a dusty antique clock shop. This one is yellow with 4 spots near his head. I dunno if this is the Harlequin Ladybird. Sorry it's was scurrying about and all I got was his underside! Anyhow I let it go after this pic.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Yay! It arrived, this be a handmade poisoned onigiri keychain and an artwork by ms uchiha-yurai who admins Ayame Club on DeviantArt. Thank you~ I received 3rd prize for a summer bikini design contest for the coolest kunoichi around. Ayame is from the video game Tenchu. Oh yes and she joined my Tenchu-clan contest earlier and received 3rd prize too haha!

My rushy submission for the contest =P