Greetings from California! I haven't blogged in such a long time, been so busy uploading vintage goodies for my jewelry shop as Chinese New Year is just around the corner!
Anyhow in my title the death refers to my bf's family dog. His name is Jojo and he died at abt 4.30am on 27 Dec, due to old age. He is about 15 years old. The photo below was taken on Christmas and shows him waiting patiently for scraps! We congratulated him on passing yet another Christmas as he had aged considerably since I last saw him early 2008. However he had suffered from a strange bloated stomach for a few days already and sits for hours looking at nothing (spooky almost) so we wanted to bring him to the vet but before we could do so, he left.
What was amazing about this dog is he waited for his owner to turn up at the kitchen before he died. He even managed to walk alittle to him (as the area was barricaded and Jojo had somehow sent a 'psychic' message because really it was just by chance that my bf went to the kitchen area in the wee hours). After his owner turned up he couldn't do so anymore and I don't really want to go into the sad details but he died several minutes later. In fact I really felt his pulse was gone and he somehow managed regain a few last breaths as we waked the rest of the the family to say goodbye.
Jojo was rescued as a young dog from a cage in a school where the school children were presumably abusing him, although I thought he was obese from all the table scraps, he was happy, loyal and smart. Farewell to Jojo~
It seems so many pets were lost this year in our family..My daughter just lost her little Yorkie and what a darling dog she was..other two daughters lost their cats..I am not kidding..It was a very sad time.
They all lived a good life, but when you love and animal, it is hard..What a beautiful dog, Jojo was..So sorry to hear about your friend losing him..
So sorry about the beautiful little pup. You only understand those kind of things if you are a dog lover...they are so dear. I haven't been in bloggy land for a long time either. It's nice to catch up on what everyone is up to. Hope you have a wonderful new year. Chinese New Year is one of our favorites. I'm sure we don't do it justice but we like to act like we celebrate it!! hehe.
I'm so sorry to hear about JoJo. I'm not surprised he waited before he traveled on to the great fields beyond. He's in a better place, romping with all the other puppies!
Hiya Vera!
Poor little Jojo, he looked like he was a cute little doggy.
I love that first photo, those mountains are gorgeous!
OH and I wear a different badge of yours everyday to work, I'm really proud of them!
there's something for you on my blog, please visit...
Best wishes
Joey x
i miss my little jojo..boo
oh poor puppy what a beautiful puppy ... i just had to go give my dog a hug :(
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog :(
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