I took this outside my window on 30 June. The whiteness of the clouds caught the corner of my eye - I like photographing sunsets too. They remind me of the giant clouds hiding the floating castle in Studio Ghibli's 'Laputa: Castle in the Sky'. It also looks like someone nuked us!
If you enlarge the picture you can see wispy streams of clouds which makes it look like it's spinning =) It didn't rain though and the clouds morphed into something less fluffy in a few moments. I recall riding at the back of my brother's pick-up truck just after this and spotted the most glorious halo peeking out above a sheet of low lying clouds. Unfortunately I was unable to photograph it.

Laputa: Castle in the Sky or Tenkuu no Shiro Rapyuta.
Made in 1986, written and directed by Miyazaki Hayao of Studio Ghibli.

The protaganists may be children but adults will enjoy it all the same. I thought the movie was sophisticated and well-crafted; visually appealing and no atmosphere was lost even though there were many moments of no dialogue (original Japanese dub). Recommended movie if you haven't seen it yet!