It seems very different from MySpace in that it's less spam-worthy and more on a personal level. Should I put my real name instead? It is not possible to view other people's profile unless I add them? I am still deciding if I should make one for my beading shop as I haven't figured how to utilise it for marketing yet.
Other than that my Etsy shop has 2 more ACEO-sized prints. Below is Appleberry Lolita, an 8.5 x 11" artwork more than a year old. Coloured in photoshop for a very long time! She originally had a darker sepia background but I changed it to beige for the prints to make her stand out more (in case people wanted to frame the ACEO).

The other one is 'Tropical Fruit Punch', an even older work. I've blogged about it being on Integrity Fashion's blouses as well here. They have been promoting it on celebs, check it out on their myspace picture albums. The photo below is one of it on Miley Cyrus.

I love both of those ACEOs and the dress that Miley Cyprus is wearing with your image on. Its great.
With Facebook I know that if you put your real name friends you went to school with or people that you know can easily find you but with using your shop name, people can search for you using your shop name as we aren't aware of what your real name is we won't know what to look for... I hope that made sense :)
I fixed the facebook personal/business problem by creating a fan page for my shop, it's pretty cool! :)
I'm going to add you by the way.
thank you both, I shall try to spruce the account up and still deciding whether to use real name or no!
Hi! Appleberry Lolita is gorgeous! Love her name too!
I have a page but its personal and yeah, what Tizz said..a fan page works awesome!
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